World of Drivers

Do you Know? There are almost 1.7 billion people in the world that knows driving, if you are learning now, and soon to become a driver, welcome to the driving population. In India alone, there are around 150 million people, who knows driving. So, the question is, Who is a driver ? A person who drives a car or A person who holds a valid driving license. You may wonder, Any person who holds a driving license knows to drive. Well, to a certain extent it is right, but to the context of Indian Roads, it differs. If you are an Indian reading this, you might know the situation currently to acquire a valid driving license in India. I am not here to point out any one or blame any system that is in place. I am strongly recommending a systematic knowledge, Which I personally have learnt in the past 10 years of my driving. There are many more amazing, rather not known facts in driving. The series of this upcoming blog posts in my page would cover more on such topics, uncover unsaid facts, help you remember moments where you had beed doing something wrongly in driving. Driving is an art, We are all artisans, Escaping accidents, reaching our destination safely with good judgemental skills is driving according to me. Stay safe, Ride safe.

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